Little Linda Pinda

About Little Linda Pinda & Disclaimer

About Little Linda Pinda, LLC and Disclaimer

Zazzle Pro Designer
I am an independent Designer with Zazzle. When you purchase a product through my Links, I will earn a royalty for me designs that I place on Zazzle’s Products. You will pay the same amount as if you went directly to Zazzle for my product. Thank you so very much for choosing to click my links. Please feel free to Call me, Linda, for Help or if you would like me to create a Personalized Gift for you: 239-949-9090.

Disclaimer for Health Information Tips, Products and Advice including Graphics, Content Text, Images and any other information is not intended to be and should not be used instead of seeing your physician and getting advice from your health care professional. This content does not constitute medical advice as I or other comments are not medical professionals.

Please see your doctor or health professional before trying any recipes, tips, products or advice. These are tips, products and advice that helped me or others and each individual needs to be diagnosed individually by their health care professional. Never disregard or delay your doctors advice due to any information on this web site and do not use this information to diagnose yourself or anyone else. Transmitting any or all content on this site does not constitute or create a doctor /patient relationship or any healthcare relationship as I am not a medical professional. Information on this site may not be copied or plagiarized.

I am not a doctor or a medical professional. The tips, advice, recipes etc…. that I share are what helped me. Please see a physician to determine if you are able to follow any of the tips or healthy eating recipes or advice to fit with your individual health concerns.

God Bless You,

Designer Linda

Little Linda Pinda, LLC

Contact me at: 239-949-9090 EST for Questions regarding any of the products that we are so happy to be bringing to you and for HELP customizing any of our personalizable gifts.

As always, we strive to find you great products at great prices. Many of the products I have tried and loved myself or read great reviews. If you would like to see if we can find a product for you, please don’t hesitate to Contact us via Phone TEXT or CALL for HELP and DESIGN or PRODUCT CHANGES BEFORE you ORDER:
Designer Linda
239-949-9090 10am to 6pm EST Monday – Friday or Weekends as Available

I am passionate about helping people. After searching and searching and begging professionals for advice regarding health issues and having a difficult time finding the answers I needed, I decided to start sharing some of the information that I found out that helped me. I have also started a few successful businesses which were profitable in the very first year. It typically takes businesses about 4 to 5 years to become profitable and 95% of businesses fail. I am also a DO-It-Yourself lady and have been involved in MANY Home Improvement activities for which I will be more than happy to share some of my knowledge. I would love to help people. I am not a Doctor. I was trained and had worked as a Licensed Practical Nurse, but it has been a long time since I was active in that field. If you have health questions, please consult your Doctor before taking any of my advice as you may have medical reasons that you cannot try my tips.

I love to Help People get HEALTHIER.

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John Doe

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