Father’s Day Gift Ideas

I sang Daddys Hands for my Dad on Fathers Day in June of 2008. In December of that same year my dad passed away. I am so grateful that I didn’t put it off like I sometimes do. Daddy’s Hands…
I sang Daddys Hands for my Dad on Fathers Day in June of 2008. In December of that same year my dad passed away. I am so grateful that I didn’t put it off like I sometimes do. Daddy’s Hands…
Here is How to Register to Donate Organs through Facebook WATCH TOUCHING VIDEOS BELOW Login into your facebook account In the Box that is located under your Profile Photo and Information: …
Here is a great place to get really great ideas for Mothers Day with Free Shipping Ship Directly to your Mom. Listen to the beautiful Mothers Day Video Song at the End Send it Directly to Mom. When you don’t…
Susie McEntire’s Gorgeous Christian Country Gospel Music is Reba McEntire’s Sister is another one of Little Linda Pinda’s Favorite Products Listen to 1 of the Songs on YouTube Video Below – “You are the Calm at the Center of my…