Esophageal Spasm Treatment
Talk to Your Doctor to be sure what is causing you the pain. It may or may not be Esophageal Spasms. Find out what is causing your chest pain from your doctor. These are just tips that help my mom and is not medical advice as we are NOT Medical Professionals.
Mom’s Esophageal Spasm Treatment: Natural super quick relief from Esophagus Spasms. My mom discovered this tip on how to stop esophageal spasms immediately. Natural at Home and Fast Treatment. What are the Esophagus Spasms Symptoms?
This is Tip, not a cure. It treats the spasm pain symptoms, not the underlying cause. Can acid reflux feel like a heart attack? It can but don’t take chances. See your doctor if you are experiencing chest pain. See my simple formula below to answer your question on, How many ounces of water should I drink a day?
Half of your body weight in ounces plus 10 ounces if you are experiencing constipation. This is a recommendation from health advisors, not necessarily doctors. Ask your doctor How many ounces of water should I drink a day?
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Keep these Custom Water Cups with you to remind yourself to drink more water for your health and at the same time, you will have a big mug with you if you get a sudden attack of the Esophageal Spasm Pain. By drinking Four of these a Day, you will get the generally recommended amount of water intake.

Pain in the esophagus is known as Esophageal Spasms but there are many other, possibly more serious causes to your Esophagus Pain. PLEASE see your doctor. You need to find out what is the cause of esophagus pain.
Take head of the serious WARNING. See your doctor because Esophageal Spasm Symptoms can mimic Heart Attack Symptoms. Esophagus and chest pain can also be a symptom of another Esophagus Illness, as in my mom’s case.
It is always best to go to the emergency room or call 911 if you are experiencing similar symptoms or symptoms related to Heart Attack. See the customizable mugs below to help remind you to drink more water.
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Mom’s Esophageal Spasm Treatment Tip
Quickly get a BIG Glass or Mug of Water.
While Holding Your Breath, Drink 16 to 20 ounces of Cold or Luke Warm Water (not hot).
This works every time for my mom.
My mom’s doctor was not aware of this method and many people who commented on my Squidoo Article also said their doctor never heard of the method. Click Here to Read Comments from my Squidoo Readers were absolutely thrilled with this Esophageal Spasm Treatment.
Get help for esophagus spasms from your doctor. Ask if it is safe for you to trust in this message because you don’t want to confuse these spasms with a heart attack. People say it feels like that. SEE YOUR DOCTOR if you are experiencing these symptoms. Get help for the esophageal spasm or whatever is causing you the terrible pain.
Esophageal Spasms can be a symptom of other esophagus problems. I referenced the Mayo Clinic in the other two articles and show an X Ray of an Esophagus in a full on Spasm.
I pray this will help LOTS and LOTS of people. Tell others because someday they may need this.
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Drink Water Reminders and Let the World Know About this Tip
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Keep a Big Water Mug Handy for Esophageal Spasm Treatment of the Symptom
How many ounces of water should i drink a day?
The typical Water Consumption Recommendation is 64 ounces of water per day or Drink 8 Cups of Water every day.
This is the formula that I was taught by a someone in the health field.
Your Body Weight divided by 2, in ounces.
Example: a 160lb person divided by 2 = 80 ounces of Water Per Day Recommended
Plus 10 ounces if you are experiencing constipation.
NOTE from Little Linda Pinda: I am not a medical professional so please never take any of my tips as medical advice. You need a medical professional for the Esophageal Spasm Treatment and to find out the causes of the spasm pain. I pray that many people will be helped. Thanks for visiting Little Linda Pinda.
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Remember to seek medical advice before trying any tips for Esophageal Spasm Treatment of the pain and symptoms. You need to find out what is Causes of Esophagus Spasm to get help for that. My mom has a hernia in her esophagus and her esophagus closes up so she has to get it dilated, occasionally. When she eats certain foods, like breads, rice and foods that bulk up after being eaten, she can barely swallow. She is so happy to give this Esophagus Treatment tip as long as you rule out Heart Attack or any other possible causes of Esophageal Pain.
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