Best Ideas for Mothers Day Gifts and Save Money and Free Shipping

Here is a great place to get really great ideas for Mothers Day with Free Shipping Ship Directly to your Mom. Listen to the beautiful Mothers Day Video Song at the End

Send it Directly to Mom.

When you don’t have the time to shop all over the place to get mothers day gift idea and you don’t want to spend all the money on gas because you would rather spend that money on your precious mom.


Here is my thoughts on my children buying my gifts. As much as I love gifts, I LOVE the Phone call and card more. I am happy as pie when my kids don’t spend the money on me. With that said, I don’t know your mom and maybe she would feel bad if you didn’t get her something but I would bet that MOST mothers would be happy with an inexpensive homemade gift. Even a hand drawn card or a lovely written mushy letter telling your mother what she means to you.

“I just called to say I LOVE YOU” is what my daughter sings for no special day or reason. She actually handed that “up” to me and started a new family tradition with us girls.

The Greatest Mothers Day Gift idea my daughter ever had and gave me was a letter she wrote for our churches Mothers Day Tribute. She was a teenager and 15 years later, I still have that letter and cherish and remember more than any other gift she ever gave me. I love it when my son calls. The flowers he often sends are gorgeous and I have photos to remember them by but his calls are the most precious and important to me, along with “I Love You.”

Should a Husband buy his Wife a Mothers Day Gift. My thoughts are yes. I’ve heard husbands say, “she’s not my mother” but I think a husband is honoring the mother of his children and honoring his wife on what a good job she has done raising their children. Do you agree with this thought? I LOVE YOU is the best idea for Mothers Day that I can think of.

Here are some of my Ideas for Mothers Day Gifts


LOVE shown in Jewlery for Mothers Day Gift Idea

If money is no object and you know your mother would just Love an ipad, here is the New iPad from Apple. Now remember, I am not saying to spend this much money on your mother, but here you will Save Money and you can even have it shipped DIRECTLY to your mother along with a Gift Card included.

Another less Expensive, but still expensive Mothers Day Gift Idea would be a Kindle if your mother is an avid reader.

Beautiful Mothers Day Song by Eddie Kilgallon, for his mom and yours!

Don’t just wait for Mothers Day to tell your Mother ‘I LOVE YOU”

Best Ideas for Mothers Day are actually FREE. “I LOVE YOU” a Big Hug, a phone call and a nice quiet Visit. Mom’s LOVE all of these Mothers Day Gifts more than you will ever know until you yourself are a mother or father.

God Bless all of our Mothers and Love your mama Every Day!